Worth knowing about side cutters We offer you a variety of different side cutters. There are special head shapes and areas of application, such as electronics, plastic and round solid materials. We offer side cutters without a bevel and side cutters with a bevel. The term "bevel" refers to the small bevels on the cutting edges of the side cutter.
We have divided the cutting performance into four levels of hardness:
Soft = soft copper wire or similar Medium = brass wire or similar Hard = steel wire, silver wire or similar Piano = spring steel wire
Please note: Different alloys have a different hardness level! Furthermore, the cutting performance of a side cutter with a round head shape is always higher, as it absorbs the physical forces better. The diameters of the respective cutting capacity are specified for the side cutters. These side cutters are not suitable for cutting tracks to length or cutting flat materials such as sheet metal or similar.